domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011

Apple's New Launch I - Phone 4G Photos

- Organic light emitting diode (OLED) screens
- Removable battery
- Dual core processor
- Higher resolution camera
- A more powerful graphics chip
- Higher video resolution
- Live video chat

I - Phone 4G
Much of the talk over recent weeks has focused on the Google Nexus One and various other Android handsets.
Not used to being eclipsed, the iPhone and its legion of loyal owners are looking to reclaim the limelight with a number of intriguing iPhone 4G rumours.

I - Phone 4G
This is, of course, just a rumour, but the features listed above are hardly exciting enough to doubt. These are all features present in the latest Android offerings to come out of CES 2010 this week.

I - Phone 4G
If further rumours are to be believed, we'll be able to tell you in April whether Apple has been successful it's latest offering or not.

I - Phone 4G
One thing's for sure: the spotlight will be firmly back on Apple come the 26th of January and Steve Jobs's keynote speech at MacWorld, where the media world will be waiting with baited breath."

I - Phone 4G